Monday, April 09, 2007

Rollerblading, Jump-roping and Yoga

I have been rollerblading in between judo classes at the skate park. I am sure the teenagers think I am a grandma at age 31, but whatever! I am working on spins and trick jumps on and off a concrete block runway thing. Also am starting to work on getting up the half-pipe ramp.

This morning I got up and jump-roped and then did a full yoga workout with three sun salutations and couple other moves. It felt really good and centering and I have decided it should be a morning ritual.

I still really need to lose 20 pounds. So I am shooting for 10 pounds in the next month. Then a break for a couple of months and then 10 more. I have to take breaks from calorie restriction because if I don't I get really tired. I am taking a EAS low carb protien supplement which is mixture of soy and whey protein. So far it is working as well as the all-soy one that I was taking. Wonder if there is much of a difference?

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