Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yoga oh Yoga I have neglected you so...

Why is that you ask? Because I am completely obsessed with judo. Judo forum, judo class, judo dreams, youtube. Yes I dream of leg techniques and wake up to find my legs intwined with my husband's.

Working out is going well. We are working on techniques that can be used in competition (I think?). We are doing things like kata guruma from the knees because we don't have a good enough forward ukemi and also some leg hooking take down from the kneeling postition. Watching youtube I see that these techniques are often used to win competitions, but are often not considered "good judo" but you figure what else can you do as a novice. I got to work with a brown belt and I notice that I have a long, long, long way to go. It is kind of discouraging. I need some yoga to balance me out.

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