Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Weight loss...

Okay...ughh...I have that extra 20 pounds I want to lose. I have been taking a break from losing and now I want to get back on track and at least lose 10 in the next month which is not unreasonable. Some of this is for judo and some just is for me. In the past I have given up all refined sugar, anything that has sugar as a major ingredient, fried foods and anything that is really high in fat. This means I eat at home. I make my beans and rice, tofu and veggies and drink my protein drink because I need it to maintain and build muscle mass. I just need to make a commitment today. No crash dieting and I probably need to go back to the "group".

1 comment:

Hollie said...

Hi There! I just joined the SAHM's group and was checking out the new members. I was so excited to see that someone else has a blog! No one out here has them.

Anyway, I'm trying to loose 15 pounds by the middle of June. I think I can do it. I've lost 20 since August, then I kinda fell off the wagon. I've maintained my weight, just haven't lost any more since December.

Anyway, I'll see ya next week!

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