Thursday, June 07, 2007

New Job? Definitely a New Attitude!

So I am going to an interview today for a new job. It is at night. I hope that I can work at night. Have my daughter in preschool (daycare over the summer) and then sleep while she is there and wake up in time to pick her up get her ready for bed and then go back to work. Mostly I need the money, but in all honesty I also need to get out of the house and do something else. My daughter and I get on each others nerves sometimes. We both need more interaction than were getting.

As far as judo goes...I have a better attitude today. Practice last night was good and I am getting the hang of Uchi Mata. It isn't an easy throw with my short legs, but I try to go very deep and that helps a lot. I am having a bit more confidence there. Also I toned down my competitiveness during newaza and that helped a lot. I get far too competetive with my husband and it leads to nowhere. I guess I never realized how competitive I was. At the end of the day I have to still live with my husband. Besides he got me in a hold down last night honestly and I have to realize that there is someone out there who is stronger etc... I can't "win" all the time.

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