Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sore Again

Ughhhh.....Our judo practice yesterday was killer. It has been a long time since we have gone over 2 hours with hard practice. I hit complete and total muscle failure and at one point was laying on the ground while being held down in kesa gatame and I just gave up. That is unusal for me...I usually never give up, but I was wiped. Guess I need to keep up with the cardio.

We went over some newaza techniques/guard work (our sensei doesn't call it that though). We went over uchi mata and I am not very good at it. Hubby with his long strong legs and arms can twirl me around like a baton. Although I found I could counter him well with tai otoshi, but that was only if we were going very, very slowly. Our sensei never lets us go full speed anyway. I stopped buying advil because I haven't needed it in months. I will surely be ingesting some today.
I am also noticing lumps where there weren't any before. I was laying on the couch. What is that lump and I realized it was muscle tissue on the under side of my shoulder. I didn't have muscle there before...well at least I didn't notice it before. I was seriously freaked out for a second.

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