Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Only Yoga...

This is going to be an only yoga post. I am trying not even to use the word judo. Oh darn already did.

Anyway, hubby was home yesterday so I took him with me to morning yoga. The instructor at the gym can contort you, stretch you and make you sweat and at the same time talk you about opening your chakras. I tried to set aside all competition, but with hubby right there it was hard. Since we started judo together we are massively competitive. It is a good thing most of the time. It ends on the mat and we go home to our respective roles of wife/mother, husband/father.

In any case after about the fifteenth plank and subsequent triangle pose I was sinking back into child's pose to rest in between. Today I am honestly really sore. But we both were very relaxed afterwards as well as being sweaty and I am sure our chakras were open!

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