Thursday, May 03, 2007

Illness strikes

Illness has struck our household. My daughter has an ear infection again. My athletic activities are at a minimum right now. My last judo class went well. Good turn out and we went over a lot of techniques. Ne waza (ground work) went well, but I need to work on my chokes. I am getting my hand into the opponents lapel but not getting the choke so obviously I have my arm in there wrong. My hand is actually against the bare neck and holding the lapel and I am not getting chin so who knows what I am doing wrong.

I missed my yoga classes this week. I don't have the energy to devote to many activites until I can get myself and my family back up to speed. I do plan on committing to 2x per week once we get well.

I didn't get in bed until 11:30PM last night. My husband woke me up at 12AM not feeling well. It took me an hour to get back to sleep. Then my daughter woke me up at 4AM. I am dragging today.


DMinor said...

Sickness and/or interrupted sleep can put a damper on everything. However, you would be surprised how you feel during/after a workout that you had to drag yourself to. On days when I wondered how I was going to make it to the workout, much less through it, I think I felt the most exhilarated at the end. However, if you are really sick (vice just tired) all bets are off.

The unconventional mother said...

Good point. I once went to judo after I had just gotten over the stomach flu. It was good to get out of the house and leave the others who were still recovering behind.

Unfortunately most of the time I am stuck providing child care during those times. I am rarely sick enough to miss judo or yoga, but I often have to tend to my sick little one. Such is life.

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