Saturday, May 05, 2007

How good is good?

Do you ever wonder how good is good? So you start this sport/martial art and you are doing well at it. But part of the reason you are doing well is because you are totally obsessed with it. Today my sensei asked what keeps me coming back week after week.

And my answer? Bordem. Life can be boring and judo satisfies both my intellectual boredom and my physical boredom.

I don't want to be great, but I just have never had a sport that I have enjoyed as much as judo. It seems to capitalize on all of my good qualities.

Short, strong flexible body -- good for grappling/judo

A mind that seeks a constant challenge -- also good for judo

A desire to be a lifelong learner -- judo is a sport that promotes lifelong learning

Enjoyment of teaching others -- there is an opportunity to pass on knowledge (at some point)

So how good is good? I suppose that has to do with what you decide good is. When I eventually compete in shiai I will know if I am good at competing in shiai. But that is all. Kind of like passing a big test or getting a 5 on my English AP exam. It only tells you that you are good at passing that particular test at that particular moment.

I guess the real test is within.

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