Saturday, April 28, 2007

Training "Light"

Judo has been slow. Not much going on except that we will be grading at the end of the month for Orange Belt. I worked with one of the kids (8 year old I think) in the class and I have a massive bruise from Hiza Guruma on my leg. You wouldn't think that a kid could do so much damage. Today class was cancelled so hubby and I just worked out. I really need some direction to my weight lifting and conditioning program.

I am back to regular yoga classes (2x) per week and I am practicing some techniques at home. I really want to be comfortable in the handstand. The inverted poses are so relaxing and it is really helping my flexibility and strength.

I enjoyed my indoor rock climing. I plan on getting a babysitter and bringing hubby next time. It was a lot of fun. And of course I am working on losing weight. I have taken a temporary break on the weight loss, but I am getting there slowly. I want to encorperate more cardio into my training. I have normal body fat according to a % check at the gym. So that is a really good thing, but I still want to lose about 20 pounds so I can be in good athletic shape and not just average for a woman my age.

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