Monday, April 23, 2007

Body Changes and an Elbow Assault

Things have really changed both inside and outside of myself. I still have the extra 15 pounds I need to lose and I can still pinch an inch on various different places, but overall there has been a huge transformation. I can feel hip bones and my muscles are toned.

I was more focused last practice. Hubby went for my elbow using a non-judo self defense move that he forgets he is not suppose to use. I thought my whole arm was going to break. I am not ashamed to say I said a naughty word and cried a little. Then I stretched some and realized it was not broken. Just tweaked a little. So I went on to do more ne waza and the sensei matched me with 16 year old football player who is about 10 pounds heavier. And of course he went straight for the tweaked arm and tried and arm bar. I flipped myself up over his back and pivoted around him and I was out of the arm bar. His response, "I have been gone for a while." Of course I needed another break after that because my elbow joint was hurting. Then I came home and iced it and had hubby wrap it up. Everyone had tried to arm bar that one arm and there are bruises from my hands up to my forearm, but the elbow joint feels fine now. I do however look like a domestic violence sufferer.

It is just so weird to feel the muscle mass through my arms. I can't quite manage a full pull up yet but I can do monkey bars again at the playground with my daughter. Tomorrow I signed up for parks and rec indoor rock climbing. We will see how I do. I am hoping that it will be useful cross-training for judo since it uses a lot of the same finger strength for gripping and upper body strength and it is a lot more fun than just lifting weights.

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